The new Trade Secrets Directive

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Foto: Erich Malter

After German fair trading law recently underwent far-reaching changes due to European consumer protection requirements, the protection of confidential know-how and confidential business information is now being harmonized. The Confidentiality Directive (EU) 2016/943 must be transposed into national law by June 9, 2018. The symposium will discuss upcoming, sometimes fundamental changes to know-how protection. To what extent does the European protection of secrets differ from the traditional principles in German law? Should civil law regulations replace the criminal law foundation of know-how protection? How are our neighboring countries, specifically Poland, implementing the directive? What will change in terms of enforcement? Last but not least, the economic foundations of the protection of secrets and the relationship to patent law need to be clarified.

Conference program

A conference report has been published in issue 1/2018 of the journal Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis.