Exploring Remedies – Impulses for a German and European ‘Law of Remedies’

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Foto: David Hartfiel

Remedies have not yet drawn special attention in German private law. In fact, scholars perceive remedies merely as a ‘legal by-product’ to tort law, contract law or IP law. On the contrary, the law of remedies is considered a ‘stand-alone’ research area in the UK and the US. For instance, lectures focus on commercial remedies, scholars publish textbooks concerning this topic and dedicate their research to questions surrounding remedies. This conference aims to discover whether there is such a thing as a German or European ‘law of remedies’ as well. Against the background of the latest developments in European private law, it is more than important to identify controversies and explore principles concerning the issue of remedies. In order to stimulate this debate, international scholars will provide impulses for a German and European ‘law of remedies’.

Conference program