Year: 2019

The book "Law of Remedies. A European Perspective" (edited by Hofmann and Kurz) was published in September 2019. With the increasing importance of the concept of remedies in European private law, this book focuses on remedies as a distinctive and novel field of European legal research. It considers

Kategorie: General

In einem 14-minütigen Lehrvideo erläutert Prof. Hofmann die Grundlagen der Haftung für wettbewerbsrechtliche Verkehrspflichten. Können Intermediäre wie ebay für die Beeinträchtigung wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützter Interessen durch Dritte haftbar gemacht werden? Die Einführung dient

Kategorie: Podcasts

In a 14-minute instructional video, Prof. Hofmann explains the basics of liability for competition law duties of care. Can intermediaries such as ebay be held liable for the impairment of interests protected under competition law by third parties? The introduction serves as preparation for the le...

Kategorie: videos