The commentary edited by Franz Hofmann and Benjamin Raue has now also been published in an English translation. The book was presented at a seminar at the University of Ferrara on December 9. The event was organized by Professor Alberto De Franceschi.
A recording of the seminar is available on Yo...
Lecture by Prof. Hofmann as part of the symposium “Generative AI and copyright law - a complicated relationship
Organizer: Institute for Copyright and Media Law, Munich
Date: 10.11.2023
As part of the 8th Jena Media Law Talks “NetzDG - Successful model or symbolic policy?”, Prof. Hofmann gave a lecture on the topic of Network Enforcement Act and civil liability on 15.11.2018.
Link to the lecture
Link to the panel discussion
Event on 17.07.2018 as part of the event series “Internet and Society” of the Munich Center for Internet Research. Prof. Hofmann's keynote speech on the legal perspective can be found on YouTube (from 1:00:14)